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November 16.2014
4 Minutes Read

3 Critical Areas for Google Local Success

The other day I spent some time on the phone with a supervisor at Google Local fixing a Google My Business Page for a customer.  After our call he proceeded to share with me the 3 most important things Google considers critical for good local rankings – After Claiming Your Google My Business Page Of Course. So what are the 5 most important things every business must do for good rankings of their Google My Business Page?

  1. Must Have a Company Website linked with the Google  My Business Page.

This means every business MUST have a business website. A Website of 6 to 10 pages is just fine as long as that website is connected to the Google My Business Page. Why you ask? Google admits that their business categories are not perfect and there are many holes in their available categories. Each category has a set of “keywords” that are supposed to help define that category in search and use the keywords as a guide to rank businesses in that category.  Problem is many of these keywords don’t fit exactly with the category, or the business.

So the only way for Google to truly know what your business is about and how to rank and list your business is by the content and keywords on your website. So when your website is “connected” to your Business page, Google picks the best keywords it thinks might fit your Google My Business Page based on your website’s keywords. This is critical for businesses that have a hard time fitting into a category let alone taking advantage of the 5 categories that Google allows for any Listing. Since you cannot add categories every business is stuck with the current categories Google has.

So, no website, means less chance of Google showing your business in local search which means less business for you. Every business should have a website no excuses.

  1. Must Have Reviews on Google My Business Page – CRITICAL

The Google supervisor made very a strong point about this! There are two main reasons for Google wants reviews on your Google+ Business Page. First is Review Content. What is Review Content? Just like the business’s website having the right keywords that best describe the products and services of your business, the keywords customers use to describe their experience with you is just as vital to Google in understanding what the public says about your business. So when you customers leave you a review on your Google My Business Page, that review will be looked at for any keywords that might match your website and the description on your Google My Business Page.

Second, reviews on your Google My Business Page builds automatic trust for people who have not yet done business with you. It is a fact that 80% of consumers today are looking online at the reviews of your company and those of your competitors. Even if they were referred to you by their best friend, 8 out of 10 consumers still search for reviews about your business. Having at least 6 to 10 reviews on your Google My Business Page will validate your business as the trusted go to business in the area over your competition. The more reviews your page has, the more independent information Google has about your business which will increase your Google My Business Page’s visibility in Maps and Search.

  1. Promoting Google Plus Page on Facebook & Twitter

Okay I have to admit this threw me for a loop. Promoting your Google My Business Page in the Social Media networks is very important to Google. Google is looking for Social Validation of your business online. These days you can dial in your target audience with Facebook advertising and drive that traffic to your Google My Business Page. When those customers visit your business page and website, Google knows even more about the type of customer your business is attracting based on the user info Google collected when they visiting the your local page or website.

Advertising on Social Media networks like Facebook, can be very cost effective way in driving the exact customers you want. Facebook allows you to really dial in the types of customers you are looking for such as age, gender, income, hobbies, schools attended and so on. As such, Google learns more about your customers when they come from Social Media channels and they can use that information to rank your business more effectively based on searchers demographics.

What more? Yes there are 2 more secrets he provided to me and you can have ALL 5 Secrets to Ranking Your Google My Business Page. Just fill in the following information and we will send you all 5 Ranking Secrets. Do these 5 things and your business will grow over your competition and you will gain new customers each month. Ignore the advice of Google and you are sure to lose ground against your competitors.

So now you know the Top Google My Business Page secrets but you’re not sure how or where to begin? We are here to help. Call us at 619-871-9297 or schedule a 15 minute consultation here and one of our Google City Experts will get you started on the right path to Google Local success.



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