DSI Development

Get a Professional Review and Analysis of Your Website
A Website Audit allows you to get a professional review and analysis of your website, including its content and inbound links.
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Get a Professional Review and Analysis of your Website to Fix Issues that may have a negative impact on your rankings.
Website Audit
Imagine this: one day you’re on Page 1 of Google. The next day you stumble down to Page 14. You don’t even know what hit you but it hit you hard. This scenario happens in real life, and in most cases, hapless business owners are left in the rubble wondering what happened. That’s why a Website Audit Report is a must.
What is Website Audit?
A Website Audit allows you to get a professional review and analysis of your website, including its content and inbound links. The website audit covers a multitude of Web Design and Web Structure Analysis. Including Website Page and Link Errors, Page Title and Meta Description Issues, Backlinks Analysis, URL Architecting, Duplicate Content Analysis, Comprehensive Target Keyword Analysis, broken links, unstructured content and much more! We recommend this service before you start any optimization campaign for your website. When you want to invest in an online marketing campaign, particularly SEO, it is important to have a deep analysis of your website so we can customize your SEO campaign.
Why Do You Need a Website Audit Report?
Your website is the core of your online marketing strategy. SEO, PPC, social media optimization — all these direct traffic back to your site. A faulty website can flush all your efforts down the drain. An audit followed by an appropriate action, on the other hand, prevents that from happening. An audit is needed to find faults in your site so they can be corrected. An audit is also the first step in recovering from Google updates. With the search engine rolling out between 500 and 600 algorithm changes every year, it’s crucial to get a “checkup” for your website annually.
Google Algorithm Updates
In addition to being better prepared to run an SEO campaign, getting a website audit will also protect your website from Google’s algorithm changes. Google is continuously tweaking their algorithms to provide users with search engine results of ever improving quality and relevance. Two of their major algorithms are called Panda and Penguin. To date, there have been 25 Panda updates since 2011 and 3 Penguin updates since 2012 which has affected 41.4% of search queries. Panda updates are generally targeted at sites with low quality content and Penguin updates are targeting web spam. Stay ahead of the game and have us run an audit report on your website.
A Website Audit Report will give you peace of mind. It’s about knowing that your website is compliant with algorithm updates and that your SEO efforts won’t go down the drain. Send us a message now or call us at 619-871-9297.
Google Algorithm Updates
In addition to being better prepared to run an SEO campaign, getting a website audit will also protect your website from Google’s algorithm changes. Google is continuously tweaking their algorithms to provide users with search engine results of ever improving quality and relevance. Two of their major algorithms are called Panda and Penguin. To date, there have been 25 Panda updates since 2011 and 3 Penguin updates since 2012 which has affected 41.4% of search queries. Panda updates are generally targeted at sites with low quality content and Penguin updates are targeting web spam. Stay ahead of the game and have us run an audit report on your website.
A Website Audit Report will give you peace of mind. It’s about knowing that your website is compliant with algorithm updates and that your SEO efforts won’t go down the drain. Send us a message now or call us at 619-871-9297.